Monday, 7 September 2015


Ensuring your career path is set upon heading off to the real
world isn’t all that overwhelming…if you’re doing the right
things. You’re probably asking, “Well, what are the right
things”? Let’s walk through five important steps toward
securing a job after graduation.

1.  Right Attitude
One thing to remember in your search for securing a job, it
is imperative to know that there are no quick fixes and that
you must have critical soft skills . Of these skills, it is most
important to remember that you must be:
Self-Motivated. One of the most common mistakes people
make are expecting a job to find them. In your quest to
finding a job, ensure that you are making an honest effort to
get noticed by employers.
Confident and excited. It’s all about making a good
impression, and why would an employer be excited to hire
you if you do not appear confident and excited about what
you can bring to the company?

2. Make A Connection
Don’t expect to show up for a job interview and think you
have the leg up because of a fancy suit, or an expensive
haircut. Getting a job is increasingly associated with
creating connections on a personal level with recruiters and
other employees at a respective company. These employees
may even be alumni that you reached out to in effort to
make a connection . When reaching out, remember to:
Be Yourself. It’s important to show somebody the “real
you”, so that they can make an honest evaluation of the
type of person you are. After all, you’re trying to establish a
working “friendship” in essence. Which brings us to our next
Provide Value. Show the people that you reach out to that
you are not just looking to take from them. Make them feel
like you truly value their time, ask questions, and from time
to time, ask these people what you could do for them.

3. Resume To Impressume
Your resume is the first piece of information that a
potential employer learns about you, aside from your name.
This will perhaps count as much toward forming an initial
impression as your first conversation with a potential
employer. Here are some quick pointers on building a
strong resume:
One Page, Period. Keep it to one page. It doesn’t matter if
you’ve accomplished enough to write a five page essay.
With thousands of applications gunning for a limited number
of spaces, employers aren’t interested in doing more work
than they have to. Whatever information doesn’t make it to
the first page can be considered absent , and worse off, your
resume might be tossed to the side altogether.
Use The Following Nine Tips. As we mentioned, resume
preparation is a big deal. Use these 9 Professional Resume
Writing Tips could help bolster your resume from “ one of the
others ” to “ top of the pack “.

4. Be Professional.
Your appearance and demeanor go a long way in
determining whether employers will like you. No, you won’t
get hired based on your professionalism alone, however it
could open the door to further conversation, or be the hook
to get you that interview . Follow these rules to make
yourself stand out from the crowd.
Lose the ‘fro. One of the first things other people notice
about you is your hair. Keep your hair in order. That doesn’t
mean you have to shave your hair down to the skull,
however, you should make sure your hair is styled and
sharp looking.
Dress the role. It’s important to make sure you’re not
underdressed, however, it’s not necessary to spend
thousands on a suit either. Most often, people overlook
wearing a belt, and black or blue dress socks, as opposed to
ankle high gym socks.
Eye Contact. When talking to a potential employer, make
eye contact. It will show that you’re interested and engaged
in what they’re saying and keep the ball rolling.
Resume. Carry your resume. At one point or another, a
potential employer may ask you for a copy which you might
not have. You will regret not having it.

5. Use BrandYourself.
Now more than ever, your brand management and online
presence are extremely important. Interviewers an and
potential employers will be scouring the internet to ensure
that you , the applicant, are a qualified individual, with no
mishaps that would bring anything negative to the
company. Employers may view negative as posting party
pictures to your Facebook account. Brand Yourself will do
the following:
Set you up with the correct accounts on social networking
sites to meet the right people and increase your online
Take control of your online reputation and your “brand
name” as a whole
Ensure that employers get Google search results they are
looking for when they type in “YOUR NAME” into Google
Use these tips wisely, and good luck in securing a job after
graduation! Read these other posts for more information:
Job Interview Tips , Breeze Through Your Next Phone
Interview , and Nailing Your Next Job Interview

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