Tuesday 1 September 2015


When you’re dating, it’s commonplace to get caught up in your situation and lose perspective, but don’t think for one second that those around you aren’t keeping score.

If you read the details below and I’m essentially describing your girlfriend, run, don’t walk, away from your relationship.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

1- She’s self-absorbed
No matter what your day was like, hers was important and more important. If you want to do something and she doesn’t, she always wins, otherwise she will whine and complain the other time.

If you’re dating a woman who makes all your needs and wants secondary to hers, you’re dating a bitch. Full on.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

2- She criticizes every move you make
You just can’t get it right and she tells you about it every time you’re together. It has come to a point where you actually feel nervous and anxious about doing anything around her for fear of criticism.

Don’t be one of those guys who does everything to try to please his girl; if she can’t appreciate who you are, the way you are, then tell her to get lost.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

3- She makes fun of you in front of friends
Whether it’s your friends or hers, she manages to poke fun at you to the point where even your friends are feeling uncomfortable. She even laughs the loudest after she’s done belittling you.

If you don’t like it, tell her you don’t like it. And if she doesn’t stop acting like such a bitch, do the same to her in front of her friends before you dump her ass.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

4- She expects more than what you give
No matter if you bought her a gift for a holiday, gave her a rose just because, made her dinner because she was working late, or took her on a ski trip, it’s never good enough and she always insists that you left something out.

If every time you try to do something nice, it’s met with a frown and a critique, perhaps you’d be better of single. Or, at least, not with this particularly unappreciative biatch.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

5- She uses sex as a bargaining chip
If you want to get laid, you constantly have to be on your best behavior because she has made it clear that if you mess up, you will not be getting between her legs.

When any woman uses sex as a weapon or as a way to get what she wants, it’s obvious that she’s a schemer and that is not the kind of woman you want to be spending your time with.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

6- She treats service people like crap
Any time you go out, she acts like the waiter doesn’t even exist and tells him off if he does anything remotely not to her liking. What’s worse than being negative towards them is when she ignores them altogether.

The way your girlfriend treats service people is indicative of the kind of person she is and if she thinks they’re beneath her, then there’s a good chance she thinks that about a lot of people, perhaps you included.

Signs you’re dating a bitch

7- She never pays
Perhaps you’re the kind of guy who always insists on paying anyway, but if she never even offers to dish on something, then you’re dating a bitch who has entitlement issues.

My last girlfriend knew that I would never let her pay, but she always continued to offer paying and would even buy me little gifts to let me know that she appreciated the way I was.

Does your girlfriend do that?

Signs you’re dating a bitch

8- She flirts with other guys
The greatest sin the bitch ever committed was flirting with other men, regardless of whether or not she’s in your presence. It’s not okay for her to flirt at any point in your relationship, but when she does it in your face, that’s just rotten.

If your girlfriend ever flirts with other men in front of you, you need to call her on it and let her walk home.

Are you dating a bitch?

Your girlfriend doesn’t have to be all of these things, but if she’s doing any of these, you either nip that sh*t in the bud or get out of there now.

There’s no reason to be dating a bitch, unless of course, you enjoy the abuse.

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