Thursday 29 October 2015



Today, October 29, the Nigerian Senate confirmed former Rivers state governor, Rotimi Amaechi, as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

After a heated debate over Amaechi’s confirmation, senators of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) staged a walk-out led by the Senate Minority Leader, Godswill Akpabio.

Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria’s former aviation minister and former spokesperson of the PDP’s presidential campaign organisation, reacted to the outcome of the Senate’s session through his official Twitter handle. He described Ameachi’s confirmation as “the greatest mockery of the government’s so-called war against corruption”.

As expected, Nigerians have also been reacting to the outcome of the plenary session of the Senate on social media. While some people congratulated the ex-governor of Rivers state and wished him good luck, others strongly criticized his confirmation calling it a “great victory of corruption”.

Last week, Fani-Kayode lambasted the ministerial nominee from Oyo state, Adebayo Shittu, for refusing to answer questions asked about the Boko Haram sect during his ministerial screening.

During his speech, Shittu said that the insurgents in the past had killed anyone who spoke openly against them; therefore, he warned everyone to be careful.

Reacting to the statement, Fani-Kayode called Shittu “a coward or a closet Boko Haram sympathiser”.

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