Monday 5 October 2015

WOW! Menu List From 1912 Sunk Titanic Ship Auctions for 58,000 Pounds (See Photo)

A piece of paper that sailed aboard the Titanic was recently
sold at auction for the price of a fancy sports car.
The yellowed document — a luncheon menu for the first-
class dining room — is dated April 14, 1912. This means
that it details the last-ever gourmet lunch served aboard the
ill-fated luxury ocean liner. The menu reveals that, the day
before the boat sank to the bottom of the icy North Atlantic
Ocean, wealthy passengers dined on "grilled mutton chops,"
soused herring and a variety of other delicacies.
The menu was put up for auction last week(Sept. 30), and
the 103-year-old piece of paper was expected to bring in
about $50,000. But an anonymous buyer shelled out
significantly more than that — a whopping $88,000 — for
the strange souvenir. Although the identity of the buyer is
unknown, he or she may be a descendent of one of the 700
or so people who survived the catastrophic shipwreck,
according to Lion Heart Autographs and, the
auction houses that handled the sale. [ Image Gallery:
Stunning Shots of the Titanic Shipwreck ]
The salvaged menu once belonged to Abraham Lincoln
Salomon, a passenger who dodged death by boarding the
infamous Lifeboat No. 1. Nicknamed the "Money Boat,"
Lifeboat No. 1 could have held 40 people, but it floated
away from the sinking ship carrying just 12 people — seven
crewmen and five first-class passengers. In the wake of the
shipwreck, rumors swirled that the wealthy passengers on
the lifeboat bribed the crewmen to row away from the
Titanic rather than take on more people.
Salomon had the carte du jour tucked in his jacket pocket
when he boarded the lifeboat. He was also carrying a ticket
from the ship's Turkish baths weighing chair (a chair that
recorded the sitter's weight). That tiny piece of paper was
inscribed with the names of three of the other passengers
aboard Lifeboat No. 1: Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli, Sir
Cosmo Duff-Gordon and Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon.
The bath ticket was also sold during the recent auction, for
$11,000. Another document, a letter that Francatelli sent
Salomon six months after the Titanic sank, went for
In addition to the Titanic memorabilia , the auction featured
many other items with storied pasts. For example, a
collection of 170 letters written by the infamous CIA double
agent Aldrich Ames, who has been imprisoned for
espionage since 1994, sold for $9,000. A letter that Albert
Einstein wrote to an advice-seeking man in Florida went for
$4,000. Einstein advised the man not to seek a career in
Also among the historical artifacts sold was a royal edict,
dated December 1494, written on behalf of King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella of Spain. The document, which sold for
$7,000, warned Spanish subjects about the dangers and
legal consequences of "playing dice and cards."

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